Added System.loadPrxKernel(filename) Will load a PRX into the kernel memory. Allows kernel functions to be used. Added System.webbrowser(Pathofwebbrowser.pbp, url) Will load the webbrowser with the url entered. If no url then google will load. Eg. System.webbrowser("ms0:/psp/game/LuaPlayerHM6") Will load Eg2. System.webbrowser("ms0:/psp/game/LuaPlayerHM6","") Will load Fixed System.runeboot() now can run Eboots in 1.50 kernel. (PSP PHAT ONLY, You must boot the LuaPlayerHM in 1.50 Kernal) Added System.getFileSize() Gets the file size in bytes. Eg size = System.getFileSize("ms0:/helloworld.txt") Added System.getDirSize() Gets the Directory size in bytes. Eg size = System.getFileSize("ms0:/PSP") Fixed USB not working on 1.50 Kernel. Added System.autoCpu() This will automaticaly change the cpu speed to meet the needed cpu requirment. It also returns the speed of the script cycle. Use only once in a loop. Look in the LuaPlayerHM tester under system2.lua. Added System.getCpuSpeed() Returns the CPU speed. Added System.getBusSpeed() Returns the Bus speed. Added HPRM FUNCTIONS Added System.doesDirExist() Returns a 1 on yes and 0 on no. Eg ok = System.doesDirExist("ms0:/psp") Added System.doesFileExist() Returns a 1 on yes and 0 on no. Eg ok = System.doesFileExist("ms0:/psp/eboot.pbp") Added System.getTotalSize() Total size of a device. Eg size = System.getTotalSize("ms0:/") Added System.getFreeSpace() Total free space of a device. Eg size = System.getFreeSpace("ms0:/") Added System.loadElf() Loads and elf file eg System.loadElf("ms0:/hi.elf") Wlan.startGameShare(filepath,nameofadhoc) Note* name of adhoc can only be 8 char long no more no less Eg Wlan.startGameShare("ms0:/150.PBP,"LPHM0001") Added Mp3me.rawSongTime() Returns the amount of seconds in a song. raw data able to use for progress bars. Added Aa3me.rawSongTime() Returns the amount of seconds in a song. raw data able to use for progress bars. %%%%%%%% Updated %%%%%%%% System.madeby() to 6.? System.playerVer() To 6.? %%%%%%% Next release %%%%%%%% System.runeboot150() Will run 1.50 eboots. Still in progress. Following functions are only for Fw 1.52 and Lower System.sioInit() System.sioRead() System.sioWrite() Following functions are only for Fw 2.00 and higher System.startOSK() System.startPSX() System.startISO() System.startUMD() System.startGameSave() System.startGameLoad() All Adhoc All Wlan Warning To us a ISO you need to set the No UMD driver to OE isof. Or else the ISO loading will return an error. %%%%%%%% LUAPLAYER HM FUNCTIONS LIST %%%%%%%% For more info on the functions of the Luaplayer goto %%%%%%%%SYSTEM FUNCTIONS%%%%%%%%%% System.currentDirectory() Either sets the current directory or get the current directory. Eg set, System.currentDirectory ("ms0:/"). Eg get, dir = System.currentDirectory() System.listDirectory() Lists the files inn the Directory System.createDirectory() Makes a Directory in the current directory Eg. System.creatDirectory("LuaPlayerHM") System.removeDirectory() Removes a Directory Eg. System.removeDirectory("SonyOFW") System.removeFile() Removes a file Eg. System.removeFile("") System.rename() Renames a file Eg. System.rename("oldname.exe","newname.lua") System.usbDiskModeActivate() Makes the USB Enabled System.usbDiskModeDeactivate() Makes the USB Disabled System.powerIsPowerOnline() Checks if the power is online System.powerIsBatteryExist() Checks if the battery is connected System.powerIsBatteryCharging() Checkes of the battery is charging System.powerGetBatteryChargingStatus() Checks the stattis of charging System.powerIsLowBattery() Checks if the battery is low System.powerGetBatteryLifePercent() Returns the %charge of the battery System.powerGetBatteryLifeTime() Returns the time left on the battery System.powerGetBatteryTemp() Returns the temp of the battery System.powerGetBatteryVolt() Returns the Voltage of the battery System.powerTick() Sends a power tick to the psp. stops the psp going in to standby and powersaving mode System.md5sum() Returns a MD5 checksum of a file Eg. sum = System.md5sum("ms0:/EBOOT.PBP") &&Serial port functions&&& System.sioInit() Initiats the I/O System.sioRead() reads form the I/O System.sioWrite() Writes to the I/O &&End Serial port functions&&& System.irdaInit() Initiats the Infa-red System.irdaRead() reads from the Infa-red Eg. data = System.irdaRead() System.irdaWrite() Writes the the Infa-red Eg. System.irdaWrite(newdata) System.sleep() Puts the homebrew app into sleep for x milliseconds Eg. System.sleep(300) "3sec" System.getFreeMemory() Returns the abount of free memory. System.madeby() Displays the LuaPlayerHM version and makers Eg. System.madeby() System.Quit() Exits to the XMB System.setLow() Sets the cpu to 133Mhz System.setReg() Set the Cpu to 266Mhz System.setHigh() Set the Cpu is 333Mhz System.setcpuspeed() Sets the Cpu speed and bus speed Eg. System.setcpuspeed(266) "Cpu = 266 bus = 266/2" System.runeboot() Loads and starts a *.PBP File Eg. System.runeboot("ms0:/Eboot.PBP") 3.xx and 1.50 (in corosponding kernel) System.runeboot150() Will run 1.50 eboots. Still in progress. System.playerVer() Returns the LuaPlayerHM version Eg. ver = System.playerVer() System.unassign() Unasigns the Device System.assign() Assigns the Device System.memclean() Cleans up the memory and removes non used files in the memory. "use it to free up memory" System.cfwVersion() Shows m33 at end of CFw upto Version 3.90m33 and CFW version 3.93??? (not a Dax CFW. When the CFW maker is known there trademark replaces ???) System.oaenable() Enables the use of Sound.* and Music.* and Voice.* functions. "Dont use it if you want to use the Media Engine or else it will not play the songs properly" System.oadisable() Disables the us of Sound.* and Music.* and Voice.* functions System.loadPrx() Loads a Prx file and starts it. Warning it could cause the player to not function properly or crask the system System.nickName() Returns the psp's nickname Eg. name = System.nickname System.message() Prints a message to the screen with Yes,no,back options. Eg. System.message("Hello",0) has only back option Eg. System.message("Hello",1) has Yes,No and back options. System.buttonPressed() Performs an action from the option selected in the System.message() function Use 1 to return string "Yes" or 0 to return number "1" Eg. button = System.buttonPressed(1) If button == "yes" then System.Quit() end Eg. button = System.buttonPressed(0) If button == 1 then System.Quit() end System.copyFile() Copys a file from one place to another Eg. System.copyFile("","",1) Will copy the file from one place to another and delete the replace 1 with 0 to not delete the System.suspend() Puts the PSP into suspend mode System.shutdown() Shuts down the psp System.startUMD() Load and runs a UMD in the UMD Drive. If no UMD then a message is displayed and tells there is no UMD in the Drive System.startISO() Loads and runs a ISO image from the memory stick. Eg. System.startISO("ms0:/ISO/game.iso") UMD MODE SET TO OE isofs System.startPSX() Loads and Starts a Ps1 game from the playstaton store (PSX) System.startOSK() Displays the On screen Keyboard. Eg outputtxt = System.startOSK() screen:print(1,1,outputtxt,red) System.startGameSave() Saves game data Eg System.startGameSave("Name of savegame","Name of game","Details/message",data to save) System.startGameLoad() Loads the save data selected Eg data = System.startGameLoad() System.usbDevFlash0() Sets the USB device to be Flash0 System.usbDevFlash1() Sets the USB device to be Flash1 System.usbDevFlash2() Sets the USB device to be Flash2 System.usbDevFlash3() Sets the USB device to be Flash3 System.usbDevUMD() Sets the USB device to be the UMD Drive. If no disk it will tell you and use the memory stick insted. The UMD will be read as a ISO image System.getModel() Use 1 to return string "PHAT" or 0 to return number "1000" Reterns either PHAT (1000) or SLIM (2000) Eg PSPtype = System.getModel(1) return "PHAT" Eg PSPtype = System.getModel(0) return "1000" System.getDate() Only 1 Time call expected Eg year = 1,month = 2 or day = 3 Eg. year = System.getDate(1) Returns the year. System.getTime() Only 1 Time call expected Eg hour = 1,minutes = 2 or seconds = 3 and microseconds = 4 and pm or am = 5. Eg hour = System.getTime(1) Returns the hour. uses the psp clock. System.startUpdate() Runs an update.pbp file Almost working. Should alow for m33 updates to run. System.usbState() USBstate calls. Eg isactive 1 or isconnected 2 , isestablished. 3 Reterns what the state is. Doesn't need usb active System.getDirSize() Gets the Directory size in bytes. Eg size = System.getFileSize("ms0:/PSP") System.getFileSize() Gets the file size in bytes. Eg size = System.getFileSize("ms0:/helloworld.txt") System.webbrowser() System.webbrowser(Pathofwebbrowser.pbp, url) Will load the webbrowser with the url entered. If no url then google will load. Eg. System.webbrowser("ms0:/psp/game/LuaPlayerHM6") Will load Eg2. System.webbrowser("ms0:/psp/game/LuaPlayerHM6","") Will load System.loadPrxKernel() System.loadPrxKernel(filename) Will load a PRX into the kernel memory. Allows kernel functions to be used. Added System.autoCpu() This will automaticaly change the cpu speed to meet the needed cpu requirment. It also returns the speed of the script cycle. Use only once in a loop. Look in the LuaPlayerHM tester under system2.lua. Added System.getCpuSpeed() Returns the CPU speed. Added System.getBusSpeed() Returns the Bus speed. The sound funcions a stright forward. %%%%%%%%%%%%Mp3 Media engine Functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Mp3me.load() Mp3me.stop() Mp3me.eos() eos is Endofstream in other words end of song Mp3me.gettime() Mp3me.percent() Mp3me.pause() Mp3me.songTime() Mp3me.artist() Mp3me.title() Mp3me.album() Mp3me.genre() Mp3me.year() Mp3me.trackNumber() Mp3me.layer() Mp3me.kbit() Mp3me.mode() Mp3me.rawSongTime() Returns the amount of seconds in a song. raw data able to use for progress bars. Mp3me.instantBitrate() %%%%%%%%%%%%Aa3 Media engin Functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Aa3me.load() Aa3me.stop() Aa3me.eos() Aa3me.gettime() Aa3me.percent() Aa3me.pause() Aa3me.songTime() Aa3me.artist() Aa3me.title() Aa3me.album() Aa3me.genre() Aa3me.year() Aa3me.trackNumber() Aa3me.layer() Aa3me.kbit() Aa3me.mode() Aa3me.rawSongTime() Returns the amount of seconds in a song. raw data able to use for progress bars. Aa3me.instantBitrate() %%%%%%%%%%%%Music Functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Music.playFile() Music.stop() Music.pause() Music.resume() Music.playing() Music.volume() %%%%%%%%%%%%Mp3 Functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Mp3.load() Mp3.stop() Mp3.pause() Mp3.EndOfStream() Mp3.getTime() Mp3.songTime() Mp3.artist() Mp3.title() Mp3.album() Mp3.genre() Mp3.year() Mp3.trackNumber() Mp3.layer() Mp3.kbit() Mp3.mode() %%%%%%%%%%%%Ogg Functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Ogg.load() Ogg.stop() Ogg.pause() Ogg.EndOfStream() Ogg.songTime() Ogg.artist() Ogg.title() Ogg.album() Ogg.genre() Ogg.year() Ogg.trackNumber() Ogg.layer() Ogg.kbit() Ogg.mode() %%%%%%%%%%%%System Sound Functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SoundSystem.SFXVolume() SoundSystem.reverb() SoundSystem.panoramicSeparation() %%%%%%%%%%%%Sound Functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Sound.load() &&&Sound meta&&& sound:gc() sound:tostring() %%%%%%%%%%%%Voice Functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Voice.stop() Voice.resume() Voice.volume() Voice.pan() Voice.frequency() Voice.playing() &&&&Voice Meta&&&&& voice:tostring() %%%%%%%%%%%%PSP Button Controls%%%%%%%%%%%%%% reads the button pressed Eg pad = if pad:cross() then System.Quit end Controls.start() Controls.up() Controls.right() Controls.down() Controls.left() Controls.l() Controls.r() Controls.triangle() Controls.cross() Controls.square() Controls.home() Controls.hold() Controls.note() Controls.analogX() Controls.analogY() Controls.buttons() %%%%%%%%%%%%Wlan Functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Wlan.init() Initates the wireless and Netdialog selection screen Wlan.term() Terminates the wireless Wlan.getIP() Returns the IP address Wlan.startGameShare(filepath,nameofadhoc) Note* name of adhoc can only be 8 char long no more no less Eg Wlan.startGameShare("ms0:/150.PBP,"LPHM0001") %%%%%%%%%%%%Socket Functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Socket.connect() Connects to a host and port Eg. Socket.connect("",80) Socket.createServerSocket() makes a socket usable Eg Socket.creatServerSocket(80) &&&Socket methods&&& Socket.isConnected() Returns a 1 if connected Socket.accept() will accept conections Socket.send() Will send http calls Socket.recv() Will receve data from a send Socket.close() Will close all sockets that is open &&&Socket meta&&& Socket:gc() Socket:tostring() %%%%%%%%%%%%Adhoc Functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Adhoc.init() Initates the Adhoc Adhoc.connect() Connects to the adhoc or makes a adhoc connection Adhoc.getState() Returns the state of the connection 1=ok 0=error Adhoc.send() Sends data Eg Adhoc.send("hello") Adhoc.recv() Receives data send from another psp as a string Eg data = Adhoc.recv() Adhoc.term() Terminates the Adhoc Adhoc.getMac() Returns the mac address of the psp. The Adhoc does not need to be Init to use it. %%%%%%%%%%%%UMD Functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%% UMD.init() initiats the UMD drive and checks for a Disk. If no disk it displays a message and does not load the UMD drive. UMD drive is "disk0:" UMD.term() Stops the Umd drive UMD.checkDisk() Checks if there is a disk in the drive. UMD.ripISO() needs a path and file name Eg UMD.ripISO("ms0:/ISO/Game.ISO") UMD.getSize() Gets size of the UMD in bytes Eg. UMDSize = UMD.getSize() Lua Player HM TEAM!